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Process Time:25.3900 ms , Memery:2263.4922K ,

Duration: 0.2925 ms , Query= select id,content from infoclass where father=9
Duration: 0.51425 ms , Query= select name,id,son from productclass where state>0 and level>0 and disp & 1 = 1 order by sort asc
Duration: 0.183 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=91
Duration: 0.25475 ms , Query= select name,id,son from infoclass where id in (92,93,94,95,96) order by sort asc
Duration: 0.12075 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=92
Duration: 0.22725 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (107,108) order by sort asc
Duration: 0.14325 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=93
Duration: 0.19475 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (109,110) order by sort asc
Duration: 0.14725 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=94
Duration: 0.24775 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (111,112) order by sort asc
Duration: 0.119 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=95
Duration: 0.18475 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (113,114) order by sort asc
Duration: 0.1525 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=96
Duration: 0.206 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (115,116) order by sort asc
Duration: 0.12775 ms , Query= select content,id from infoclass where id in (0)