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Process Time:370.2020 ms , Memery:2856.1328K ,

Duration: 0.17875 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=34468
Duration: 0.18525 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=34171
Duration: 0.14575 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=34109
Duration: 0.2385 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33946
Duration: 0.202 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33945
Duration: 0.1615 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33718
Duration: 0.16 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33717
Duration: 0.15025 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33716
Duration: 0.15 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33715
Duration: 0.16325 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33714
Duration: 0.163 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33713
Duration: 0.2035 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33712
Duration: 0.18975 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33711
Duration: 0.1415 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=33708
Duration: 0.13925 ms , Query= select content,id from infoclass where id in (0)