Sorry, please don't choose this item from now on (17 JAN, 2015), because they are out of stock and we haven't plan to produce this item again except custom order; however, if you would like to buy 50p...
Duration: 0.10975 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=94 Duration: 0.14625 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (111,112) order by sort asc Duration: 0.10625 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=95 Duration: 0.1515 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (113,114) order by sort asc Duration: 0.10775 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=96 Duration: 0.17175 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (115,116) order by sort asc Duration: 0.15775 ms , Query= select * from productclass where id=605 and state>0 Duration: 0.13425 ms , Query= select * from `seo` where id=2 Duration: 0.80625 ms , Query= select count(*) as t from `product` where state>0 and classid in (605) and price1>='1.99' and price1<='2.99' Duration: 1.03525 ms , Query= select * from `product` where state>0 and classid in (605) and price1>='1.99' and price1<='2.99' order by id desc limit 48,24 Duration: 0.1335 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=15512 Duration: 0.13075 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=15499 Duration: 0.14525 ms , Query= select * from ptaglist where type>=0 Duration: 0.2625 ms , Query= select tid,count(tid) as num from ptag inner join product on and state>=0 and classid in(605) group by tid Duration: 0.12475 ms , Query= select content,id from infoclass where id in (0)