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large death ghost ring r002037

  • Item No. : r002037
  • Market Price : US$ 32.90
  • Sales Price : US$ 3.29
  • Category : Skull Rings
  • Update time : 2015-05-30
  • Size: 36*31mm
  • Availability : In Stock.
  • Minimum Order : 3
  • Please Select the Style before you put the items into the Shopping Cart
  • Sizes :
    8# 9# 10# 11# 12# 13#
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Jewelry Details

large death ghost ring r002037

A messenger from hell usually brings bad news for people, so it is not so welcomed; however, made it in jewelry as a ghost ring with big size 36mm in length and 31mm in width, will you like it? In some countries, it takes as patron saint or mascot especially in US countries and EU countries, as it can protect you from danger, etc.

Following is a little smaller hell messenger skull ring, item no. is r001693 and name is
the King of Terrors skull ring.

Process Time:387.8360 ms , Memery:2497.1641K ,

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Duration: 0.32 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=22044
Duration: 47.36475 ms , Query= select id,name,pic from product where id<22043 and state>=0 order by id desc
Duration: 0.175 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=22042
Duration: 1.51325 ms , Query= select * from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043 order by id desc limit 5
Duration: 0.709 ms , Query= select count(*) as v from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043
Duration: 0.6425 ms , Query= select sum(rating) as v from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043
Duration: 0.74875 ms , Query= select count(*) as v from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043
Duration: 0.756 ms , Query= select count(*) as v from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043 and rating = 1
Duration: 0.863 ms , Query= select count(*) as v from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043 and rating = 2
Duration: 0.716 ms , Query= select count(*) as v from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043 and rating = 3
Duration: 0.65175 ms , Query= select count(*) as v from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043 and rating = 4
Duration: 0.945 ms , Query= select count(*) as v from message where cid=1 and state>0 and pid=22043 and rating = 5
Duration: 0.14925 ms , Query= select content,id from infoclass where id in (0)