For 2016 Promotion, buy Love Heart Steel Necklace and Bracelet Set s001961 can have 5% OFF, so the unit price can be lower from previous price of US$5.65 to current promotion price US$5.36....
Duration: 95.2135 ms , Query= select count(*) as t from `product` where state>0 and classid<>542 and price1>='4.99' and price1<='6.99' Duration: 212.63225 ms , Query= select * from `product` where state>0 and classid<>542 and price1>='4.99' and price1<='6.99' order by id desc limit 1308,12 Duration: 0.28775 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30867 Duration: 0.22725 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30865 Duration: 0.211 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30844 Duration: 0.161 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30843 Duration: 0.17325 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30841 Duration: 0.1675 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30840 Duration: 0.18575 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30827 Duration: 0.2015 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30826 Duration: 0.18875 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30825 Duration: 0.172 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30824 Duration: 0.14875 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30823 Duration: 0.143 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=30822 Duration: 0.168 ms , Query= select content,id from infoclass where id in (0)