Stainless Steel Necklace -JN150062, size is 600*2mm; it has other widths and reference prices are as following, 2mm costs usd4.24, 3mm costs usd4.71, 4mm costs usd5.18, 5mm costs usd5.65, 6mm costs us...
Duration: 117.6865 ms , Query= select count(*) as t from `product` where state>0 and classid<>542 and price1>='3.99' and price1<='4.99' Duration: 367.886 ms , Query= select * from `product` where state>0 and classid<>542 and price1>='3.99' and price1<='4.99' order by id desc limit 3180,12 Duration: 0.23325 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=10568 Duration: 0.15125 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=10562 Duration: 0.17575 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=10561 Duration: 0.135 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=10558 Duration: 0.12475 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=10495 Duration: 0.138 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=10494 Duration: 0.12625 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=10493 Duration: 0.124 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=10333 Duration: 0.165 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=9820 Duration: 0.1695 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=9819 Duration: 0.16575 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=9818 Duration: 0.1415 ms , Query= select classid as v from product where id=9817 Duration: 0.13125 ms , Query= select content,id from infoclass where id in (0)