For 2016 Promotion, buy Steel Chain with FO of Buddha in Chinese n001343 can have 5% OFF, so the unit price can be lower from previous price of US$1.65 to current promotion price US$1.57....
For 2016 Promotion, buy Stainless Steel Owl Necklace Chain with Rhinestones n001338 can have 5% OFF, so the unit price can be lower from previous price of US$1.65 to current promotion price US$1.57....
For 2016 Promotion, buy Stainless Steel Horse Chain Necklace n001337 can have 5% OFF, so the unit price can be lower from previous price of US$1.65 to current promotion price US$1.57....
For 2016 Promotion, buy YOU and ME Sweet Necklace Chain n001336 can have 5% OFF, so the unit price can be lower from previous price of US$1.65 to current promotion price US$1.57....
For 2016 Promotion, buy Two Birds Steel Chain Necklace n001329 can have 5% OFF, so the unit price can be lower from previous price of US$1.65 to current promotion price US$1.57....
For 2016 Promotion, buy Skull Knuckle Stainless Steel Chain n001319 can have 5% OFF, so the unit price can be lower from previous price of US$1.65 to current promotion price US$1.57....
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