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How to clean Stainless Steel Jewelry (Jewelry Tips)

As everyone knows, one of the main important point of stainless steel jewelry is non-fading and can keep shiny in a long long time, in a word, it can keep shiny forever; but, sometimes, our jewelry still became dirty and dusty in daily wearing, so how to clean our stainless steel jewelry?

Here are several steps for your reference only, they are not the only and exact ways for clean and they are just some tips for your reference.

Firstly, getting a lint-free cloth that is non-abrasive for scrub your jewelry;

Secondly, putting 2 or 3 drops warm water in a small container of a mild dish washing liquid;

Thirdly, only placing warm water without any soap in a second container;

Fourthly, using the cloth dampened with water to scrub your stainless steel jewelry gently;

Fifthly, using a soft tooth brush with plain tooth paste to scrub any grime from etched areas;

Sixthly, placing your stainless steel jewelry in the warm rinse water;

Seventhly, using a dry cloth to wipe the water away so that there are no spots;

Eighthly, polishing your stainless steel jewelry with a polishing cloth, so as to keep your jewelry dry and clean;

That’s all.

Several simple tips can lead you how to clean your Stainless Steel Jewelry from dirty & dusty and make them more shiny and wonderful.

Using just several steps to clean your stainless steel jewelry, so that they can be kept clean, shiny, flash, etc.; therefore, please spend several minutes once you are free in one day, in one week, in one month to clean and tidy your stainless steel jewelry, then you can have them much more clean, shiny, flash, etc..

Imaging one dirty and dusty stainless steel jewelry is wearing in your fingers, hands, necklaces, etc., what a bad mood you get; instead of a shiny stainless steel jewelry is wearing in your fingers, hands, necklaces, etc., how happy you are.

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