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Home > News > How many Thor's Jewelry do you know? (Jewelry Knowledge)
How many Thor's Jewelry do you know? (Jewelry Knowledge)
Do you know who he is?
Thor is the God from Old North Mythology, who is in charge of War and Agriculture; so he is mainly to protect national security and inspect the farming in the world. The Nordic legend said when there was a thundestorm, Thor rode in the carriage and was doing patrol, therefore, he was called "THOR".
However, do you know, how many jewelry was made according to Thor's weapons?
Ahem, let us show you some uniuqe jewelry related to Thor's Powerful weapon -Mjolnir, also, we called Hammer of Thor.
More Hammer of Thor Pendants or Thor Jewelry, please collect following link,
or use our Search Column and enter "Thor" to find our Stainless Steel Thor Jewelry,
More and more Jewelry related to Thor will be updated and collected in the future, such as "Iarngreiper, iron gauntlets, Megingjord,girdle of might", so if you like such kind of jewelry, please pay attention on
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