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Home > News > Holiday News for China Tomb-sweeping Day

Holiday News for China Tomb-sweeping Day

Our Dear Clients, Vistors,

Our Chinese Tomb-sweeping Day Holidays is from April 4th to 6th, 2013; in these 3 days, your ordered goods can't be delivered out to you, becuse all of express and us will be in holidays and off work; please kindly note it.

However, April 7th (Sunday), we will resume to work as usual instead of day off. Hope you note it.

Certainly, you can keep placing your orders and selecting your wanted stainless steel jewelry on our Online Jewelry Store any time; then the orders will be delivered out to you once we get back to work.

Have a nice day.

ZuoBiSi Jewelry Wholesale Store
Arpil 05, 2013

What is Tomb-sweeping Day?
Tomb-sweeping day, we called Pure Brightness Festival, Qingming Festival too; it is a day, when the Chinese traditionally honor the dead and the traditiona activities to sweep the tombs.

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Duration: 0.16125 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=93
Duration: 0.259 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (109,110) order by sort asc
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Duration: 0.18925 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (111,112) order by sort asc
Duration: 0.12625 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=95
Duration: 0.26025 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (113,114) order by sort asc
Duration: 0.14 ms , Query= select son from infoclass where id=96
Duration: 0.2375 ms , Query= select name,id,son,left(content,500) as content from infoclass where id in (115,116) order by sort asc
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Duration: 9.57825 ms , Query= UPDATE `news` SET hits=hits+1 where id=7
Duration: 0.30475 ms , Query= select * from `seo` where id=5
Duration: 0.289 ms , Query= select content,id from infoclass where id in (0)