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Home > News > Biker Rings all in stainless steel collection (Fashion Trend)

Biker Rings all in stainless steel collection (Fashion Trend)

Stainless Steel Jewelry is always a great hot accessory in the motorcycle bikers, especially some jewelry releated to motorcycle theme, in motorcycle shape, with main parts from motor and so on; in that case, we make some unique jewelry for motorcycle lovers, fans, drivers, riders and we call these kinds of one of a kind jewelry as BIKER JEWELRY.

Today, here we collected some BIKER RINGS, which can stand for some special meaning for your reference, and all of them are in stainless steel.

Firstly, it can be noted from jewelry shape so easily; such like rings making in shape of motorcycle, motor bicycle, motorbike, autobike, auctocycle, or designing with a part of motorcycle like motorbike engine; following are some pictures for your clear reference.

motorcycle eagle ring for bikers                                      gold motorcycle rings in stainless steel eagle shaped


motor engine ring for bikers                                               small cute motorcycle engine ring for bikers
Secondly, some rings are made in special letters, meaning numbers, such as 13, 1 percent er, 81 support Nomads, SONS, and so on; some pirctures for your reference.

lucky 13 biker ring                                                               big 81 Support Nomads Ring

stainless steel
1 percent er biker ring                           1 er ring in stainless steel for bikers

Thirdly, jewelry is made in some representative animals, especially for some animals who are freedom and can go or fly to everywhere as they like, so you may know those are eagles; also, rings are made in some horrible skeletons with biker's logo, bikers' special numbers, meaning letters, like 13, 81, 1 percent and so on; please refer to the following representative.

freedom eagle ring                                                           king of birds ring for bikers    

13 skull ring                                                                          black epoxy 13 skull ring for bikers

Also, some cross rings with red flames, terrible fires are the hot welcomed biker rings in USA particularly, how about following Fire Cross Rings for bikers.

fire cross ring for bikers                                                   gold-plating fire cross biker ring

More and more Stainless Steel Biker Rings can be found and wholesale on Zuobisi Jewelry Online Store any time.

No matter for yourselves, for your clients, for the motorcycle bikers from USA or from European countries, Bikers Jewelry on online store will be your best choice.

Have a good shopping.

Zuobisi Jewelry
July 07, 2014

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