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Beautiful Stainless Steel Bracelets Collection 2015 for Teens

Young Women and Mature Women in the Latest Fashion Styles

Youth is a time to celebrate beauty and for teens, the field is wide open to exercise their imagination. Not only teens but young women in their twenties and more mature women too project charm and a sensuous attractiveness when well dressed with the right fashion accessories. Jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, rings, waist chains and bracelets are accessories that make women, no matter of what age, look so attractive.

If the face is a woman’s fortune, her hands and wrists are indicators of feminity. It is a joy to watch a woman use her shapely hands and wrists. Whether it adjusting her hair, her dress, or just handling a spoon and fork while dining, there is something about wrists that can be so enchanting and mysteriously attractive. Bare wrists are good to look at but when a woman wears bangles or a bracelet, the transformation is transcendental. Her hands take on an exotic look. Perhaps women know this intuitively and have been using wrist adornments since millennia. Bangles of glass, bangles of precious metals, bracelets made of chains, of beads and precious metals have been perennial favourites. Different cultures have defined the type of wrist wear a woman should wear according to her age and marital status. In some cultures, for instance, a married woman must never be without bangles on her wrists.

Telescope to 2015 and the wrist wear is something different. It is smart watches and bold bracelets that are back in fashion. For the younger teens, it is stainless steel bracelets that now dominate the fashion scene. For 2015 and for the coming year the accent will be on highly stylized and ornate designs in contrast to the more stark and simple bracelets of yesteryear. Gold and silver are for very very special occasions. For everyday wear and for parties, it is collections in stainless steel that have caught the fancy of teens, young women and even mature women. Bracelets are no longer simple. A jewel studded bracelet in highly stylized floral pattern could cover the entire back of the palm and extend to the wrist. Stainless steel is the preferred choice but one can also see girls sporting bracelets made of rope, of plastic, of beads threaded together and even sea shells. While each has its attraction, nothing reflects the current trend better than stainless steel bracelets.

Girls and mature women do not buy just one bracelet and wear it all the time. Times have changed and it is not unusual for them to wear a different style bracelet each day. Apart from style and looks, cost is one consideration that makes stainless steel bracelets so alluring. Besides, stainless steel bracelets for 2015 are available in so many different varieties and at such attractive prices that one simply cannot resist buying a dozen. Bracelets in the form of chain links, bracelets in the form of bands, bracelets with floral patterns to cover the back of the hand and bracelets that resemble watches are just a few of the newer styles that are becoming so popular this year. Whatever the type, one cannot argue that 2015 is the bracelet year for girls, young women and mature women with an abundance of choices to make their wrists the focal point of attention.


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